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Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Plant Lipid Biotechnology

June 13, 2016

Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences – Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science

Competition No.  -A108129600

Closing Date  -Will remain open until filled.

The Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences (ALES) and Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (AFNS) at the University of Alberta is inviting applications for a tenure track appointment at the Assistant or Associate professor level in the area of Plant Lipid (e.g. Oilseed) Biotechnology. The successful candidate will be nominated for a Tier II Canada Research Chair. The candidate will also be expected to develop a strong collaborative research program in the Division of Plant BioSystems within the Department of AFNS, and play a leadership role in promoting Alberta’s bio-based economy. Alberta has a diverse agricultural economy, with a field crop sector generating about $6B annually at the farm gate. The successful candidate will provide scientific direction and coordination of a program aimed at delivering plant-based agricultural products into value-added production chains, thereby bolstering the value of these crops.

The University of Alberta, one of Canada’s premier research institutions located in Edmonton, Alberta, offers an excellent research environment encompassing state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure, including laboratory equipment dedicated to the position, modern plant growth facilities (field, greenhouse and growth chamber), a comprehensive range of analytical research labs, leading-edge food safety and processing laboratories at Agri-Food Discovery Place, the Agricultural Genomics and Proteomics Unit, and the Human Nutrition Research Unit.

The successful candidate must have a PhD in one or more appropriate disciplines, such as molecular biology, plant genomics or signal transduction. We are seeking an individual with an outstanding record of research accomplishments, a vibrant and growing research program, acknowledgement by peers as an emerging leader in their discipline, and a sound understanding of contemporary cropping systems. The candidate will have the vision and proven talent essential to build a successful collaborative research program that crosses institutional and disciplinary boundaries. The candidate will be expected to teach at all levels of the curriculum, from undergraduate to graduate level courses, and take on graduate supervision and other supervisory and administrative committee work.

As outlined in the Canada Research Chair program details, “Tier II Chairs, tenable for 5 years and renewable once, are for exceptional emerging scholars (e.g. within 10 year of earning their highest degree) acknowledged by their peers as having the potential to lead in their field”.  Applicants who are more than 10 years from having earned their highest degree (and where career breaks exist, such as maternity, parental or extended sick leave, clinical training, etc.) may have their eligibility for a Tier 2 Chair assessed through the program’s Tier 2 justification process. Please contact the UofA CRC Coordinator and Advisor for more information. Interested candidates are encouraged to consult the CRC website for full program information, including further details on eligibility criteria. In addition, the successful candidate’s proposed research program should ideally conform to the University’s vision and “cornerstones” outlined in the UofA institutional plan “For the Public Good” document.

Interested candidates are invited to apply online.  Please enclose a letter of application outlining the proposed program of research, a statement of research interest, curriculum vitae, sample publications (20 page maximum), the names of at least 3 referees, and teaching dossier with evaluations of teaching performance. The closing date for application is August 15, 2016, or until a suitable candidate is found.

For further information on this position, or the department, please contact the Chair by email at or visit our website

To assist the University in complying with mandatory reporting requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (R203(3) (e)), please include the first digit of your Canadian Social Insurance Number in your application. If you do not have a Canadian Social Insurance Number, please indicate this in your application.

How to Apply

Apply Online

Note: Online applications are accepted until midnight Mountain Standard Time of the closing date.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. If suitable Canadian citizens or permanent residents cannot be found, other individuals will be considered.

The University of Alberta hires on the basis of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity in employment. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons.

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