SeekNet Partners
With funding provided by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, the SeekNet project has placed Illumina iSeq 100 sequencers at the following locations:
Each of these SeekNet partners has different roles within the project, some are open to collaboration, some will provide fee for service sequencing; others will provide training.
Université de Saint-Boniface – The iSeq at Université de Saint-Boniface (USB) will be used primarily for hands-on teaching of the methods involved in sequencing DNA and in the analysis of genomes or sequences using a variety of bioinformatics tools for students in advanced genetics and biochemistry courses and labs. USB would be happy to collaborate with other professors and instructors in the integration of sequencing technology in advanced undergraduate coursework.
The iSeq and associated genome analysis will also be used for research projects on the characterisation of novel bacterial species causing disease in collaboration with the Special Bacteriology unit of the National Microbiology Laboratory.
Pest Surveillance Initiative – Pest Surveillance Initiative Ltd (PSI) is an applied research facility operated by the Manitoba Canola Growers Association (MCGA), which develops grower relevant tools for identifying and managing crop pests. As growers adopt new practices to adapt to a changing climate, diseases, insects and weeds are adapting in response; PSI can provide information that growers need to choose the management practices best suited to their farms. The iSeq from the SeekNet project allows PSI the accuracy and flexibility to characterize MB biotypes, which will assist in the development of guidance specific to Manitoban rotations, soils, and management practices to support farmers in their production decisions.
The iSeq and other capacity within the SeekNet community will be leveraged to provide growers with the tools and knowledge to make informed and data driven decisions to manage two of the top three costs to production in Manitoba: crop variety selection and pest control selection. PSI seeks opportunities to work with other researchers, industry associations and project teams who share our focus on timely, accurate pest characterization using DNA based assays, digital imaging and traditional pathology. Contact PSI at
Canadian Food Inspection Agency – The iSeq 100 at the CFIA National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease is in a biocontainment level 2 laboratory. It is used to train students and researchers on applying genomics technology to pathogen identification and characterization. The instrument will contribute to accurately identifying known, novel, and unexpected pathogens in wild and cultured terrestrial and aquatic animals and the environment for infectious disease surveillance and for investigations to support a one-health approach.
Cytophage Technologies Inc. – Cytophage is a leading-edge Canadian biotech company that uses advanced molecular genetic techniques and synthetic biology to create highly effective bacteriophages to address bacterial challenges affecting animal health, human health, and food security. They are open to collaborations and, for a fee, are willing to train people to use the iSeq or do sequencing for agricultural organizations. If you are interested in training or collaboration, please contact